This week I'm offering free worldwide shipping on all orders from my etsy shop. Please check it out! And keep your eye out for new posters and prints coming soon.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
last days
I only have a week left here in Ålesund, and two weeks in Norway. It's sad but exciting at the same time. I'm so excited to be back in the states where everything is "normal" and there are some nice people there and chicken nuggets cost $1 rather than $15. But in other news, we had a pannekakes party. yum yum. boy I'm sure gonna miss these ladies. I wish I could take them all home with me. waaaaaaahh. I'm not sure what I'll do with out them... I really need to go pick up some more 19 year old friends.
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Wednesday, May 18, 2011
European things
Yesterday was the 17th of May. Not such a big deal in the States, but in Norway people dress up like this:
Then they have one of these:
Then everyone eats ice cream and bbq's all in celebration of the beautiful land of norway and it's independence from the rotten swedes and danes. It was pretty wonderful, despite the fact that I was sick and it rained all day.
In other news, last sunday was the eurovision contest. It's this awesomely horrible competition between all the countries in Europe. Every one's really cheesy and dramatic and there's boy bands galore. The winners were Azerbajan a country I've never even heard of), and I'm still unsure what they were singing due to their broken english. You can watch it here:
And.. I wasn't sure if I should do this, but whatever. My wonderful friend Sadie helped me make this video for Phil. After one year of dating it's my declaration of love to him. Enjoy!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
que es amor?
Sorry about the lack of updates from Mexico! Our ability to use the internet has been limited. Last week we arrived in Tijuana after a 29 hour bus ride from Mazatlan. It actually went by pretty quickly except the 6 or 7 times when we had to get out of the bus in order for it to be searched for drugs. It's not so fun to be woken up at 3 in the morning by a mexican police officer. We arrived in Mexico with a warm welcome from Carlo's family. I was actually really surprised by how nice and clean Tijuana looks compared to the southern parts of Mexico we've been in. It's such a huge contrast from seeing it by driving through California. It looks nothing like I remember it. We actually feel very safe here. Although there is danger here, it's obviously hyped up a lot on the news. There is a spiritual battle going on here, but I think that just makes it more evident how God is at work here. God is fighting for the people here an He is winning. We have already seen people accept Christ and miracles happen. I think the greatest miracle God is doing is love. It's already been a huge theme in our time here. Last Thursday I preached to a group of young people at the church. I spent all day working on a teaching about missions but as soon as I got to the church I could tell God was about to do something. Right before I went up to preach God changed my plans. I ended up sharing my testimony and preaching about God's love and grace. We were all so aware of the Lord's presence in the room. The worship band was worshipping from their hearts and Kelly ended up doing some worship dancing which she had never done before. We were all amazed by God's power and how everything just clicked. He spoke to many hearts that night and we had the opportunity to minister and pray for many teens and young adults. The next day we held an event at a mall called "what is love" It was centered around music and testimonies about God's love. We'll be holding 5 of these events while we're here in TJ and each one will be a bit different with elements of music, dance, and fine art. Those of us who weren't on stage spent time evangelizing and praying for people. Many people were changed that day! I felt like God had asked me to make a drawing for a woman and share with her how beautiful she was. She was really touched and said no one had ever told her that. The next day we were at an orphanage and There was a really shy little girl who was hanging around me a lot. I started talking to her I told her that she was really beautiful. When i said that she put her head down and looked really sad. I asked her if she knew she was beautiful and she said no with tears in her eyes. It broke my heart. This beautiful little 5 year old orphan had never been told she was beautiful. I felt that God was giving me a mission to tell people how beautiful and special they are. On sunday we had another event in a park. I made some drawings to give to people so that I could share with them how beautiful they are. I began asking God who they were for, but I didn't get an answer. Some little girls came up to me and I tried talking to them but we had a hard time communicating in spanish, so i asked them if they wanted to color with me. They were happy with that so I drew them some pictures and wrote "eres muy bonita!" on the back. Their eyes lit up when they saw that. I continued to ask God who my drawings were for while more kids kept coming to me. I eventually decided to give a drawing to a woman who was sitting by herself. She didn't have much of a reaction from it and I felt a little discouraged. After that like 5 more little girls came and colored with me and I made drawings for all of them. They loved them so much that their friends would come over and ask for one. That's when I realized that God was bringing me these children to tell them that they were beautiful and spend time with them. They all loved the concert and I felt like we were there that day for those children. Some people in the team were disappointed because a lot of people left and there wasn't as much enthusiasm as there was at the mall, but I was reminded of how God cares so much for even those little children, that they're just as important as the adults! I thought that was pretty awesome. This week we've visited an orphanage and have been preparing for our next events this Saturday and Sunday. Tomorrow we'll be doing some street evangelism. It's hard to believe that we have less than 2 weeks left here! But God still has a lot of work to do! Please pray for strength, endurance, and lots of love to share in our final weeks here. Gracias amigos!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
update from Colima!
Hi all! I just wanted to give you an update from Mexico! Our whole team is loving it here in Colima. The weather is very warm and a nice change from Norway, and the food is amazing! That's also a nice change from Norway! We've met so many warm and hospitable people here in Mexico, we feel very blessed by the church, Groupo Amor here in Colima and our contact people Mauricio and Diana. They treat us very well. Our first day off was spent at an amazing restaurant on the beach where we ate and swam all day! And we've been invited to many wonderful homes for delicious meals and great fellowship. Our first full week of working was spend running activities at two different orphanages. The kids were so awesome and fun! We loved spending time there. This weekend we led a youth meeting at the church where I taught about God's calling with about 50 teens and in the evening we participated in a children's ministry in the park that the church runs every saturday. We've also been doing random things like praying for families, painting, and having concerts (the musicians in our group at least).
On Sunday we went to a very nice home for dinner. It was a huge modern style home in a very rich neighborhood. The entrance is guarded by security and there's huge trees that block the view of the homes. But right across the street from the entrance there was a little shack that someone was living in and we felt really heavy from the extreme contrast. We decided to go buy some food and take it to the person who was living there. The boys got out of the car to talk to the man and the girls stayed in the car to pray, even though we could still hear everything they were saying. Turns out the man who lived there was a security guard who was working for the school and he had to change jobs because he had had 3 surgery's on his leg in the past month. We prayed for him that his leg would be healed and he said that his leg got really warm and then he said it felt better! We're believing that He was healed and won't have to have any more surgeries.
This week we're painting a mural at the church, having another concert at the gallery, and teaching another workshop on creative missions to the young adults in the church.I have to go now, but I miss you all very much and thank you for your prayers!
hasta luego
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