Wednesday, May 18, 2011

European things

Yesterday was the 17th of May. Not such a big deal in the States, but in Norway people dress up like this:

Then they have one of these:
Then everyone eats ice cream and bbq's all in celebration of the beautiful land of norway and it's independence from the rotten swedes and danes. It was pretty wonderful, despite the fact that I was sick and it rained all day.

In other news, last sunday was the eurovision contest.  It's this awesomely horrible competition between all the countries in Europe.  Every one's really cheesy and dramatic and there's boy bands galore. The winners were Azerbajan a country I've never even heard of), and I'm still unsure what they were singing due to their broken english. You can watch it here:

And.. I wasn't sure if I should do this, but whatever. My wonderful friend Sadie helped me make this video for Phil. After one year of dating it's my declaration of love to him. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. you crack me up. what a lucky guy phil is.

    miss you, girl. blessings and prayers to you.
