Friday, October 29, 2010

some friday treats!

photo source:
YWAM Aalesund
This post is just a few random things that I'd like to share with you. The first photo is with our teacher from this past week, Mark Wahlberg. Just kidding! He's actually Mark Wahlberg's Norwegian twin, Lars Olav! He spoke about the Word of God (aka the Bible) and it was probably my favorite week of teaching so far. The second photo is from Sweden and it is our entire base with Loren and Darlene Cunningham, the founders of YWAM.  The third bit of news I don't have photos for, but today we found out that the outreach destinations for the spring are India, France, Mexico, and Austria(+some of eastern Europe like hungry or slovakia). I'll find out which country I go to in a few weeks, so be praying!(my first choice is Austria+E.U.)


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I hate to do this, but....

Hi friends,
I just wanted to give an update on my financial situation for the year. So far I have raised $6,000 of the $9,000 I needed for the year including Airfare, school/living expenses, and most of all my outreach cost. Many of you have already blessed me by donating money, and I am so grateful for the sacrifices you have made. But the reality is, I still need $3,000 by December.  I am believing the Lord for this amount, since he has assured me over and over that he is taking care of it.  But I just wanted to remind all of you again that I have this need, and If the Lord puts it on your heart to help me out, I would very much appreciate it! I wish I could share some details with you of where my outreach will be and how I'll be serving there, but unfortunately I still don't know...the announcement should be coming very soon I hope!

If you want to give you can do so either through the paypal link on the right or by sending it to:

Aubrey Webb
c/o Debra Newberry
623 E. 11th St
Weiser, Id 83672

You can also support me by hiring me for a design job! here's the link to my portfolio:

And If you've been following my blog I'd love to hear from you!  Please leave comments or email me!

Tusen Takk!

Monday, October 25, 2010

first day on the job

Today I got to work at the cafe in town, Lyspunktet. It is my community service assignment, and I just love it. It's such a warm, cozy place. They have amazing coffee, baked treats and food.  A few of the things I got to sample today were the vegan chocolate muffins, maple syrup and chocolate chip muffins, a mango milkshake, carrot cake made with fresh carrots, and a chicken quesadilla to take home for dinner. Oh and I had my first Coke since I've been here! It was the best food I've had so far in Norway.  I learned how to make milkshakes, Super sundaes,  do dishes, and serve orders. The worst part was when customers would ask me questions and I just laughed nervously at them and explained in english how I didn't speak Norwegian. Oh well, I'm getting used to that.  It was just great to work in a practical way, doing something other than chores and feeling like I have a job.  And I even made 12 kroner in tips! (that's $2) yesssss.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

snow what.

Today was the first snow in Ålesund.  Fall is officially over here, and I wasn't too happy about that.  I guess I just wasn't prepared for the cold weather yet.  I didn't even bring an adequate coat.  I've been really grumpy the past few days, and I think it's because of the weather.  For some reason I haven't been able to accept the fact that I'm living in NORWAY and it gets COLD.  But this morning I was sitting in the dining room during my quiet time and as I stared out the window I couldn't believe that beauty that lay before me.  I felt like I was staring at a huge painting, it was almost surreal. And then I realized how blessed I am to be living in such a gorgeous country, with such a gorgeous view. I just need to suck it up and face the snow.  Maybe even embrace it (well, maybe after mom sends me a warmer coat) I'm trying to learn a lesson in contentment these days.  

Thursday, October 14, 2010

creative week numero uno

For our first creative week we've been painting with Mauricio, an artist who runs a gallery in Mexico. It's great to finally be in the studio and spending some time in town.  Here's an exclusive v.i.p. preview of what we've been doing...
the studio, in the balcony of a 18th century church
figure paintings

we were asked to make a painting with the theme of "faith" We had one day to think of a concept and one day to paint.  Here's what I did...
first layer
second step, add stained glass
the finished product.
Not bad for one day I guess. I think I am pleased.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Arts Gathering etc.

This past week has been a whirlwind of craziness. First we had Francois Botes here from England to teach us about the prophetic,  lots of praying an preparing for Arts gathering, Arts gathering, little sleep, lots of learning, lots of fun.  Here's a mini overview. The following photos were swiped from my friend Sadie's blog. Thanks Sadie!

 this is me singing "livin on a prayer" by bon jovi while our choir, the hallelujah southern baptist gospel choir backs me up

photos 2 & 3: Arts gathering! Speakers, musicians, dancers, and artists from all over the world came  to our very own Aalesund to worship God through the arts. Such a fun time and so good to learn more about my own calling as an artist.
the lovely alida garpestead! My amazingly talented singer friend was asked to sing with Andrew Ehrenzeller during worship. She is a total rock star.

wandering around Aalesund.

hanging out by the water.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

først uke

Our first "real week" of the dts was incredibly amazing, fun, exhausting, emotional and challenging.  Our teacher for the week was David McDaniel an American from Japan.  He leads a dts in Japan and he was so so funny! He has a huge heart for our dts and it's actually the only one he still teaches at. He talked about God's character in a way that was so eye opening and challenging. One of my favorite phrases that he used was "get out of Bible study mode"  It's so true how we can read the Bible and never really get what's happening.  I feel like so many truths were revealed to me in stories that I've heard my whole life.  David took the time to really get to know us and see the areas in our lives where we struggled.  He and I talked about perfection and Art and he really helped me to see where I was putting too much pressure on myself and caring to much about what everyone else thought about my work.  On Friday we had our first "creative Friday" and I really tried to create without expectation or pressure and it was so wonderful and for the first time I was really able to completely enjoy myself! It was such a great feeling! For our first assignment we drew a number and each number represented someone in the art track (but we didn't know who). We had to pray that God would show us what to make for that person and from there we had complete freedom.  It was so cool how everyone got something.  On Monday we're going to present them to each other and then see how God speaks to them through the art, I'm so excited!  Our studio is downtown Alesund in the balcony of an old church that was used for revival in the 1900's.  It was so beautiful and inspirational. I'm so excited to work there this year. On Saturday one of the staff, Emelie offered to take whoever wanted to join on a hike. Only 5 of us went. We went to this beautiful place by the sea with a light house and a bunch of colorful houses.  I was so happy that I went, even though I had been sick all week and was exhausted afterwards.  It was worth it to see another beautiful part of this country.  

Well, this week Francois Botes will be here from South Africa to teach about the Prophetic and the end of the week is arts gathering! I'm so excited! You can go here to learn more about it:

peace & blessin's

Friday, October 1, 2010

swedish fish.

Last week just about everyone from the base loaded up the vans for the 13 hour drive to Restenas, Sweden. The occassion was YWAM's 50th anniversary for the nordic and baltic nations including Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Latvia, and maybe a couple more that i can't remember.  There were a lot of sessions where we learned about what YWAM has done in the last 50 years, what they're doing now, and where God is taking them in the future.  I have to admit that it was a little difficult for me to sit through, being that I had only been a part of YWAM for 1 week. God still got my attention.  It's incredible the work that this organization does. First of all, no one gets paid. tens of thousands of full time missionaries relying on God to take care of all their finances. What an incredible test of faith. In one of the meetings we took an offering for the base where the event was held and raised 1 million swedish krone (about $150,000)  To pay off thier property debt.  This is in a room of about 400-500 people who don't get an "income". It was just an incredible faith builder for me. The fact that I still need $3,000 by January no longer worries me.  It's embarrassing how sometimes I forget that the creator of the universe takes care of me.

Ok, to be honest it's been a week since I started to write this post and I'm having a hard time finishing it so I'll just wrap up by saying Sweden was an adventure but I was so happy when we returned to Alesund. It's beginning to feel like home :)