Monday, September 20, 2010

bad photos.

I made a lens for my canon rebel from a holga camera. Yesterday I went on a walk to the norwegian sea to test it out.  The results weren't really that great, but with some editing they turned out kinda cool. Here are a few of them...
a lighting store.
rain on the water.
the sea

Saturday, September 18, 2010

torture is...

living 5 blocks from H&M and knowing you can't buy anything there.
also...the fact that chocolate costs about 4 bucks a pop.

First days.

Right now I'm sitting in the dining room with candles lit and large windows in front of me with a beautiful picture of the clouds looming over the mountain.  I love everything about this place. From the moment I got here it's felt like home.  Yesterday we got a small tour of Ålesund including a trip to the famous viewpoint,Aksla, a hill that overlooks the city. Pause for photos...
As you can see, the view was incredible. While we were there we also got to learn a bit of history of the town, which was a truly incredible story. In 1904 there was a fire that burned down the entire town except for the house of "one righteous man". Ask me about it if you'd like to hear more :) We then were able to walk down the hill to the town and right to a cafe run by ywam called Lyspunket.  It was very cozy, or kooshling as the Norwegians call it.

Today we had our first day of teaching.  This morning we learned a little bit about the prophetic and then we got to meet in our tracks for the first time.  We learned that we will get to participate in two exhibitions throughout the year and learn from teacher from all over the world.  I'm also pretty excited about of our studio space because it's down in the center of town! (this would be a 2 hour walk from the base) So it's nice that we'll have many opportunities to spend time downtown.  It's been great getting to know so many people from different cultures.  The Norwegians are especially fun because I get to learn more about their culture.  Here a just a few random facts I've learned from them:
  • Engagement rings are worn on the right hand and are usually gold bands
  • Minimum wage in Norway is about $20 an hour
  • It's cheaper to fly to the U.S. to buy a mac than to buy one in Norway.
  • Starbucks isn't allowed in Norwaybecause they don't want competition for the local cafe's
  • People don't go out for coffee much anyways because it's so expensive( about $6 a cup) they usually just have it in their homes.
One more thing, I leave for Sweden on Tuesday for YWAM's 50th celebration!  All the bases from Scandinavia will be there as well as the founder's of YWAM! I feel so spoiled.  This will be a wonderful time of worship together and celebrationg the accomplishments of YWAM of the past 50 years. 

Until next time,
Jeg elsker dag

Monday, September 13, 2010


Not really the best shots, but here are some photos from my walk today!
"youth with a mission"

my address

for all my wonderful pen pals out there :)

Ungdom i oppdrag
Aubrey Webb
Åsemulvegen 5
N-6018 Ålesund

Sunday, September 12, 2010

I have arrived!

I'm here! After 4 flights and about 30 hours I was half dead, but I made it to my new home.  This was the worst traveling experience I have ever had. It started at around 5am on september 10th after sleeping for 2 hours that night. Jessica and Katie got up along with me to make me breakfeast and say good bye! they are the sweetest (and Ariel i love you too even though you stayed in bed, I would've done the same :) Phillip drove me to the airport and after clearing up some problems (no thanks to I had to weed 20 lbs of stuff out of my incredibly overpacked suitcase. Some things I had to leave behind: conditioner, bodywash, watercolor pencils, goldfish crackers, sweatpants, downy wrinkle release, hairdryer... obviously nothing I can't live without, although I should probably buy some soap. At around 7:30 I boarded my plane for Chicago carrying a huge backpack, pillow, and purse (yes I pushed the limits on the carry on rule)  When I got on the plane I couldn't even lift my backpack to put it in the overhead compartment. This is when I knew I was in trouble.  I slept the entire flight and when I got to Chicago I had a really fun time finding my next gate.  After going through security again and finding my gate I was found out there were no restaurants inside the international terminal and had to eat trail mix for lunch.

While waiting for my flight I opened the package that katie sent me off with and It included a beautiful copy of Jane Eyre and a personalized survival guide of norway that she made me. I then started crying for the first of many times. I realized all of the wonderful loving people I was leaving behind for this mysterious new journey. I began praying for the Lord to give me strength for the rest of my journey. I seriously just wanted to turn around and go home at this point.  I talked to Phil for the last time before my flight left and cried all the way through take off.  I think the older couple sitting next to me felt sorry for me and they were really nice to me for the rest of the flight.  I only slept about 1 hour of the 8 I was on the plane. They served us cold tomato and cheese sandwiches for breakfast so I guess that woke me up.

 When I got to the airport in Stockholm I couldn't believe my eyes.  It was the most incredible airport I have ever been to, like a glorified version of Ikea.  That definitely helped me feel comfortable.  I sat down in a chair that I think i saw in an art museum once and tried to sleep but failed.  The flight to Oslo was about 45 minutes and the normally complimentary drinks cost about $5 usd!  I got to Oslo feeling like I was about to pass out. I picked up my bags and went through customs.  When checking in my bags again the man at the counter took pity on me and let me check my backpack for half price, only $40. Best $40 I've ever spent. I bought a $5 orange juice and still felt sick and realized I hadn't eaten anything since the cold breakfast sandwich on the flight from Chicago. I bought the cheapest thing I could find, a $20 baguette sandwich and water.  I forced myself to eat half of the sandwich but really had no appetite. I fell asleep as soon as I boarded my flight to Alesund and slept the entire way.  I woke up right as we descended through the clouds and felt like I was waking up into a dream.  What I saw out the window was the most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed in my life.  I thought I died and woke up in heaven!

While picking up my luggage, I met up with 3 other girls headed to the same place as me and somehow we missed the last bus of the evening.  We tried calling the base but couldn't get ahold of anyone.  We got kicked out of the airport because it closed.  The man closing up called a taxi for us and we stood outside in the darkness and the rain of a completely silent airport for about 20 minutes. We began to feel worried so we prayed for safety and shortly after a "maxitaxi" arrived. $100 later we arrived at the base to some of the wonderful staff member. They fed us cereal and showed us our rooms.  I'm living with 2 other girls, one from canada one from norway. They are both in the fine art track with me. They both share a bunk bed and somehow I scored the loft area all to myself! I am very happy about that.  I slept for about twelve hours last night and woke up for lunch.  There are so many wonderful people here that I am so excited to get to know! We have the opening tonight at 9 and everyone will have arrived by then.  I am so excited for the upcoming weeks.  A couple things we get to do are a wilderness hike/camping trip in Alesund and the YWAM 50th anniversary celebration in Sweden! Thank you all for your prayers. I really fell like the worst is over.  I just have to get over my jet lag and culture shock now. Oh, and my homesickness!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

movin' on

In less than 3 days I'll be movin' on. First of all, for those of you who don't really know what's going on in my life, here's the spiel...

For the next 9 month's I'll be attending The Creative DTS In Alesund, Norway.  This is a YWAM prophetic school of the arts that focuses on training students in listening to the Lord’s voice, creating together with Him, and communicating through various art forms. The goal of this program is to make room for developing the creative abilities and giftings God has given people.

A few of the things I'll be learning there are...

  • To know and to make known God's original intention with the arts.
  • To teach and train the student to know God, hear His voice and create together with Him.
  • To be a prophet at this time in history and communicate God’s purposes through various art forms.
  • To build a Biblical foundation that enables the student to carry their creative giftings.
  • To help the student improve as an artist in performance and communication.
- To develop a good attitude as an artist and practice excellence.
  • To be a worshiper of God.

In addition to the DTS (discipleship training school) curriculum, the DTS will include creative weeks (I'll be doing the fine art track),  mini outreaches on the west coast of Norway for 2 weeks during the year, and a two month outreach to another country (still unknown)

If you would like to learn more about this school you can go here:

anyways, enough about that. Here's the beautiful town of Alesund where I'll be living..

I am just so excited and blessed to have this opportunity. I know the Lord has called me to this place for a reason and I can't wait to see what he has in store for me this year.  I love that I will get to continue to follow my passion of art as I grow closer to the Lord and learn more about his calling for me as an artist. I know that there will be hard times ahead... jet lag, culture shock, homesickness and who knows what my outreach will bring, but i am just so thankful for God's promise that he will be by my side through all of it.  I am just so thankful for those of you who have been a part of this with me and have been generous already through prayers and financial support.  I welcome both.  If you would still like to donate to my fund, you may do so in the side bar of this blog, just click on the "donate" button.  You may also send checks or cash to 623 E. 11th st. Weiser, ID 83672.  I still need to raise about $2,000 of the total $9,000 that I need in order to pay for training, room and board, and outreach costs.

Thank you for following my adventures and for supporting me with your thoughts and prayers.

I love you all. May you be blessed.
