Saturday, September 18, 2010

First days.

Right now I'm sitting in the dining room with candles lit and large windows in front of me with a beautiful picture of the clouds looming over the mountain.  I love everything about this place. From the moment I got here it's felt like home.  Yesterday we got a small tour of Ålesund including a trip to the famous viewpoint,Aksla, a hill that overlooks the city. Pause for photos...
As you can see, the view was incredible. While we were there we also got to learn a bit of history of the town, which was a truly incredible story. In 1904 there was a fire that burned down the entire town except for the house of "one righteous man". Ask me about it if you'd like to hear more :) We then were able to walk down the hill to the town and right to a cafe run by ywam called Lyspunket.  It was very cozy, or kooshling as the Norwegians call it.

Today we had our first day of teaching.  This morning we learned a little bit about the prophetic and then we got to meet in our tracks for the first time.  We learned that we will get to participate in two exhibitions throughout the year and learn from teacher from all over the world.  I'm also pretty excited about of our studio space because it's down in the center of town! (this would be a 2 hour walk from the base) So it's nice that we'll have many opportunities to spend time downtown.  It's been great getting to know so many people from different cultures.  The Norwegians are especially fun because I get to learn more about their culture.  Here a just a few random facts I've learned from them:
  • Engagement rings are worn on the right hand and are usually gold bands
  • Minimum wage in Norway is about $20 an hour
  • It's cheaper to fly to the U.S. to buy a mac than to buy one in Norway.
  • Starbucks isn't allowed in Norwaybecause they don't want competition for the local cafe's
  • People don't go out for coffee much anyways because it's so expensive( about $6 a cup) they usually just have it in their homes.
One more thing, I leave for Sweden on Tuesday for YWAM's 50th celebration!  All the bases from Scandinavia will be there as well as the founder's of YWAM! I feel so spoiled.  This will be a wonderful time of worship together and celebrationg the accomplishments of YWAM of the past 50 years. 

Until next time,
Jeg elsker dag

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